I used to be really into Pokémon competitively. I stopped around SU/MO (awful meta). I tried to pick it back up in SW/SH, but have dropped it indefinitely after hating the format and the way Pokémon/Gamefreak has gone down a shitty road.
IRL Tournaments
I wanted to take part and have a chance at worlds, but I started around when I had a job. You need to do it as a kid because there's simply NO time or many ways to get around to ALL the different places to take part! Still, it was fun to meet everyone through battling!
- Won X/Y mini tournament at local game store
- Won OR/AS mini tournament at local game store
Teams/Pokémon Showdown
To be filled

I only managed to find 2 of my existing experimental SU/MO teams. I had a lot of fun D-maxing Roserade (scarfed) and shadow ballin' dragapults. I wish I still had my leafon sun team - that was REALLY fun and fucked with so many people on Showdown! Would never work in BO3 matches, of course, but they're viable for BO1s.