

I'm Ven/Vencake! I'm a hobbyist with an interest in art, the old web and games.

After feeling stifled by modern social media, I decided to create my own hub of what I love. I'm inspired by artists, writers and in general creative people.

I love people expressing themselves, and I do the same. Expect a non-sanitized site when browsing and enjoy your time here fuckers

Ongoing maintenance

I've been very busy working on my sites outside of Neocities and coming back to this site is like a culture shock - the coding is so messy BUUUT rest assured I will be doing ongoing fixes and updates every so often. It doesn't take much time, but it's just finding that time in the first place!

To do

  • Quest
  • More themes & install old themeswitcher (DONE)
  • Falling lyrics page (DONE kinda). I have the lyrics page finished
  • Finish Pokémon pages (all)

Go on a quest

I thought it fun to create a series of "quests" on this site. It's a WIP, so go away. Boo. LEAVE!

Recent Updates


New blog entry. Sorry...that's all!


New series & shows page, mostly for my dismay of the recent Dungeon Meshi anime. Read the manga if you like the format...!


New blog post & new mutuals/links (contact me if you're not there). Sorry for the long hiatus!


First major update! New blog post, fixed mutuals (contact me if you're not there) and added more to various Pokémon pages!


I got off my ass and fixed the font issue. New blog post and added the PKM VGC page.


Halloween blog post here! A little cleaning up dead links as well. Surprise art update with a gift to a friend.


I've added quite a few links, mutual and ones I follow. If I missed you as mutual, please comment or email me!


Halloween theme is back! (Double post lol). New blog post on men in women's prisons.


Halloween theme is back! Couple of updates on my blog and various fixes. Probably some other stuff too that I forgot to write here.


More tea reviews, LOTS of tweaks and a new RPG Maker page..


Revised links (adding is taking a while). Split & added website appreciation, fanlistings and old/misc sites.


Edits, improvements, blog updated and links should be up to date? Please contact me if not!


Edits. Lack of updates due to IRL!


Added the themeswitcher again! Testing stuff atm. Also changed the sidebars.


Added a landing page, an article about my demisexuality and FINALLY my lyrics page! Also some fixes.


Edits to various pages and I finally changed the Newsbar text despite STILL not finishing the rest of my pages to the new theme!


Updates and (temp) fix to the pkm fav page.


Added mini reviews page among updating other things!


Just some more fixes, and added some more to links. No time for finishing this makeover atm!


New layout! Migrating everything over.


Blog stuff & general upkeep.


Added Fariness in sports! Also updated some stuff on this site.

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